2008 Subaru Forester Owner's Manual

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2008 Subaru Forester Owner's ManualView the 2008 Subaru Forester owner’s manual online, print or download it in PDF format for free to your PC or smartphone.

Subaru Forester model year deserves utmost attention and respect. The new Subaru Forester now looks independent and has its own memorable face.

The Subaru Forester truly challenges its main rivals. Not only does it have a new catchy corporate style, but it is also the same in overall dimensions as its competitors. Thanks to the company’s experience accumulated in the design of all-wheel drive systems – the most suitable for daily use of a car, Subaru Forester has a solid advantage among the K1 class SUVs.

Improving active safety is one of the foundations of Subaru’s philosophy. The safety level of Subaru Forester cars has been taken to a new, higher level. The unsurpassed balance and level of grip provided by the Symmetrical All-Wheel Drive system helps you avoid dangerous driving situations. In an emergency, the high-strength body structure and passive safety system are designed to reduce the risk of injury to passengers and damage to the vehicle itself.

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